SNoPhotographName of the StaffDesignationQualificationContact No
1Mr Om Prakash SharmaOffice SupdtM. Sc.(Bot),DCA9801470042
2 Mr Madan Kumar RanaAccountantB. Com (Hons)9386737232
3 Mr Sunil Kumar PandeyQuartermasterB A ,PGDCA8709976291
4 Mr Nand Kishor PrasadHostel SupdtIA8210968676
5Mr Bijjo SinghNursing AssttDiploma in Nursing9664669291
6Mr Kalyan SundaramUDCB A(Hons), AGDCS9473182292
7Mr Faizan AliUDCB. Sc8210895375
8Mr Ashwini KumarLDCM A9304697576
9Mr Deepak M SLDCB. Sc8340246153
10Mr Saket KumarLDCM. Sc


11Mr Jai Dev KumarLDCM A9756694818
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